Through, thought, tough, though correct meanings?I'll tell how I understand them, tell me if I'm right "The word slice means a thin, broad piece of food, such as bread, meat, or cake, cut from a larger portion" And I don't understand the words "thin" and "broad" They seem the opposite to me like "high" and "low"Maid Will Go on Through Thick and Thin!

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Through tough and thin
Through tough and thin-Through thick and thin updated their profile picture 2121 1 Comment 2 Shares Like Comment Share Through thick and thin Merry Christmas readers 😊🎄🎁🔥 love y'all Admin 💜 through thick and thin phrase If you do something through thick and thin, you do it although the conditions or circumstances are very bad She'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin I will go on loving James through thick and thin no matter what happens See full dictionary entry for thick COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary

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Through thick and thin definition 1 If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always support or stay with Learn moreSynonyms for through thick and thin include fast, firmly, firm, tight, hard, resolutely, staunchly, steadfastly, tightly and unwaveringly Find more similar words at wordhippocom!Through thick and thin I'll sand by you Through everything I'll stand by you Through all the pain and laughter now and ever after Through thick and thin I'll stand by you And I don't know what it is And I don't know why But I believe in what I see and

Through Thick Thin

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Through Thick and Thin The Bible Lesson at a Glance Despite all His pain and suffering while on the cross, Jesus expresses concern for those around Him His friends, the sol diers, the thief on the cross, His mother A few of His friends show concern What Through Thick And Thin Really Means by Clint Edwards Updated PeopleImages/ istock A meme with a quote from columnist Doug Larson is floating around Facebook that reads, "More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse"Through Thick and Thin Meaning Definition To endure through any hardships or obstacles Origin of Through Thick and Thin This expression in its current form has existed for several hundred years Its first recorded use was in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, which were written between 1387 and 1400

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Define through thick and thin through thick and thin synonyms, through thick and thin pronunciation, through thick and thin translation, English dictionary definition of through thick and thin adjective 1 having a relatively large distance between opposite sides;Find 28 ways to say THROUGH THICK AND THIN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesauruscom, the world's most trusted free thesaurus through thick and thin To stay with someone or something "through thick and thin" is to persevere through good times as well as bad


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Through thick and thin definition at Dictionarycom, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation Look it up now!Force the solution through the 5 µm pore filter, followed by several syringes of water to wash out the remaining blood, then 1 or 2 syringes full of air to clear excess fluid Prepare a temporary wet mount by removing the filter and placing it on a glass slide, adding a Pupusas, through thick and thin The Washington Post Rosa Argueta prepares pupusas at La Casita Pupuseria and Market A pupusa is a traditional Salvadoran dish made of handmade corn tortilla

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Through Thick and Thin From the beginning, 19 years ago, it seemed to be an improbable association David Abbott, known around London for his urbane demeanor and elegant writing, was going intoThe tent, made of tough canvas, held up to many abuses (of food) Difficult to cut or chew To soften a tough cut of meat, the recipe suggested simmering it for hours Rugged or physically hardy Only a tough species will survive in the desert Stubborn He had a reputation as a tough negotiator (of weather etc) Harsh or severe Rowdy or rough 2 Friends Stick Around During the Good Times and the Bad Life has its ups and downs Having supportive friends can help us get through the hard times A true friend, because they love you, will stand by to help overcome obstacles That could mean giving a shoulder to cry on, listening to our problems, or finding ways to cheer us up

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It's hard work Even protected from the wind in our bay, it's still a battle The sky is overcast and the sea is rough Not really a dangerous situation, but nevertheless a tough challenge for the newbies Despite a difficult situation, smiles are back on To be able to last through and handle the good times as well as the bad times (Usually in the sense of a relationship of sorts) Thick is representative of the good times, whereas thin is representative of the bad times Through Thick and Thin by Jaycee Weaver Today's my nineteenth wedding anniversary, and I can honestly say we've been through thick and

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'He has done incredible service to the conservative cause through thick and thin, good times and bad, for well over a decade' 'My friends have stuck by me through thick and thin, and I think, you know, it's what good friendship's about' 'I've supported the club through thick and thin but this is all about making money' Through Thick Or Thin Poem by Azriel Dreams Read Azriel Dreams poemEvery day without you seems like an eternity The days I spend with you seem like only fleeting moments in my memory And yet, my mind is filled with memories of you andThrough thick and thin Examples 1) every single time he has run for office and will remain firmly behind him through thick and thin without a single wobble 2) and love each other through thick and thinI think it gives them a sense of security

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Mix the flour, salt and pepper in a shallow dish Dredge the cutlets in the mixture on both sides and shake off excess Set aside Heat a large skillet over mediumhigh heat Add 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp butter to the pan Sear the pork chops for 6075Despite all obstacles or adversities, as in She promised to stand by him through thick and thin This term alludes to penetrating a forest with both thick and sparse undergrowth Today it is nearly always used with the idea of supporting something or someone in all circumstances, as in the example Late 1300sSense idiom Synonyms faithfully , devotedly, in good and bad times, loyally, through everything, in sickness and, in health, unwaveringly, tenaciously, persistently, staunchly, steadfastly, resolutely, determinedly, doggedly 'through thick and thin' also found in these entries (note many are not synonyms or translations) firmly Recent forum discussions about thesaurus entries

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